Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sublime macaroni - and in my back yard?

To start out this blog, we immediately have to go to the dictionary. Why? because I think too many times we all use words that we truly don't the meaning of them. This one happens to be the name of the restaurant: Sublime Pizza

sub·lime (s-blm)
1. Characterized by nobility; majestic.
    a. Of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth.
    b. Not to be excelled; supreme.
3. Inspiring awe; impressive.

Simply put, this macaroni was impressive. I took my two girls here, after noticing a sign that said they offered over 15 flavors (types) of macaroni and cheese. These being my kids, they wanted nothing but the plain ol' fashion kind - named and ordered here as the "Purity". A little of mozarella, Béchamel sauce, and some white cheddar round out the cheeses used in their dish. Cooked perfectly and served hot, the kids could hardly wait for me to take an untainted photo. The top was browned just enough to have that crunching toppting that we all fight over - kind of like the crispy flakes and sides on a Thanksgiving Turkey baked to perfection. Ten minutes later, my daughter pushed her plate back and said "that was amazing", my other daughter "yummy, let's come back here". That is exactly what I like to hear, and have to agree. We'll be coming back to Sublime to try the other flavors and see just how good they hold to this recipe.

Sublime Pizza -  Located in 4S Ranch area of San Diego

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